CEP 812: Smart Problem Solving

This week for CEP 812 we read specific chapters from The Anti-Education Era: Creating Smarter Students through Digital Learning written by James Paul Gee. During our reading we were asked to focus on a limitation that could prevent humans from solving big, complex problems smartly. As an educator I related the most with chapter 2 which discussed the smart way to approach learning new topics and problem solving.

The conditions Gee (2013) mentions include:

1. Having a mentor
2. Lots of prior experience
3. Making clear goals
4. Something mattering to us emotionally
5. Having opportunity to act in a way that elicits a meaningful response from the world

(Short-circuiting,  para. 15)


It’s important to support a student’s ability to independently problem solve both in and out of the classroom. Using Gee’s conditions allows students to explore their world and become smart, effective problem solvers.

Want to find out more about smart learning and problem solving? You can read my full essay here.


Gee, J. P. (2013). The Anti-Education Era: Creating Smarter Students through Digital Learning. [Kindle]. Retrieved from http://amazon.com.

Schools, G. (2011, October 20). Retrieved July 30, 2015, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gulliver_academy.jpg

2 thoughts on “CEP 812: Smart Problem Solving

  1. Rachel:
    From the sounds of it you have a very meaningful position and you really enjoy what you do. Your brief description of your classroom and teaching style sounds like I would have enjoyed being in your classroom and learning environment. With that being said how does take the knowledge obtained from your classroom and incorporate that into their problem solving skills once their problems become more and more complex?

    Overall a very good read!


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